International Picturebook Festival

Visual identity
10th International Picturebook Festival © Maxim Neroda

The International Picturebook Festival „THE GLOOMY AND THE CHEERFUL“ is a child of the German-Polish border region. It all began with the idea of providing a platform for the various perspectives on the art of illustration and bringing German and Polish artists together to actively exchange and share their points of view. The gloomy and cheerful aspects in illustration do not only have different traditions of reception, but also find very different ways of expressing themselves.

From the catalogue of the 6th International Picturebook Festival

Für das jährlich stattfindende Bilderbuchfestival entwickelte ich auf der Grundlage der bereits festgelegten Hausfarben ein Erscheinungsbild, das dem Festival einen hohen Wiedererkennungswert verleihen soll. Dabei spielte der Slogan „Das Düstere und das Heitere“ eine zentrale Rolle.

6th International Picturebook Festival © Maxim Neroda
International Picturebook Festival © Christian von Steffelin
International Picturebook Festival (Photo by Christian von Steffelin)
International Picturebook Festival © Maxim Neroda
International Picturebook Festival © Maxim Neroda
International Picturebook Festival © Maxim Neroda